ESPEN Portal Evaluation
The ESPEN (Expanded Special Project for Elimination of NTD) portal was created through a joint venture by BMGF and the WHO regional office for Africa (WHO AFRO) to enhance the use of NTD data for decision making and accelerate the control and elimination of the five most prevalent NTDs.
However, the national NTD programs did not optimally utilized the portal to facilitate decision-making due to several reasons including a lack of technical capacity to access and manipulate the portal data
As a result, BMGF engaged the Solina Health-eHealth Africa consortium to support WHO AFRO to holistically evaluate the ESPEN portal to inform investments in transitioning the portal from a data repository to an active ‘data for decision-making’ resource between 2022 and 2025
Project objective
- Review the integrity of the ESPEN portal and the comparability with data from other sources
- Assess how well the portal is meeting the needs of its end usersĀ
- Explore the potential for expansion to new diseases and capture the vision and support needed for the portal in the next strategic phase of ESPEN (through 2025)